Joint Operations and Maintenance Facility

Project Description

Project:   Joint Operations and Maintenance Facility
Location: Federal Way, WA
Height: 30′
Year Completed: Estimated 2026
Value: $40,128,000

Architect: Helix Design Group

The project consists of site work, street and sidewalk improvements, and construction of multiple buildings, including:

Operations Building, containing offices, meeting spaces, locker rooms and staff support space

Fleet Maintenance and Shops Building, containing workshops, vehicle wash bay and departmental shops and storage spaces

Pre-Engineered Buildings for vehicles, equipment, materials and bulk storage, SWAT vehicle storage, and fuel center

Outbuildings and Equipment including above-ground fuel tank, trash recycle transfer dock, site generator, brining facility, and EV parking and charging stations.

New Maintenance Facility

Project Description

Project:   New Maintenance Facility
Location: Vancouver, WA
Surface Area:
Year Completed: 2012
Value: $4,100,000
Architect: LSW Architects

Construction of a new maintenance facility.

Construction Waste Processing and Transfer Center

Project Description

Project:   Construction Waste Processing and Transfer Center
Location: Salem, OR
Surface Area:
Year Completed: 2017
Value: $5,900,000
Architect: CH2MHill

This project is located at the southern end of the Salem Airport property, adjacent to Airway Drive SE. The project includes a septage receiving facility, eductor waste dewatering bays, covered drying areas, covered dewatering silt settling basins, a covered clean material and construction debris storage area, stormwater detention basins, a wheel wash facility, and a transportation storage area.

Centennial Industrial Park Lot 1 Building Project

Project Description

Project:   Centennial Industrial Park Lot 1
Location: Vancouver, WA
Surface Area: 124,768sf
Year Completed: 2018
Value: $8,200,000
Architect: Mackenzie Architecture

Construction of approximately 124,768sf industrial building shell in Vancouver, WA. The building is concrete wall tilt-up style on an on-grade concrete slab capable of serving up to five future tenants. Project also includes landscaping, paved parking, drive aisles and trailer parking.